My mother, borzolan / مادرم برزولان

2012 / 1391

For sixteen years, he was a teacher in the remote village of borzolan. He spent all his youth with the village children. Now, he was informed that his mother in the city had become sick and was alone. He had to either leave this mother, meaning borzolan with its children, or his own mother. This difficult event happened on a single day, and my accidental arrival in the village (northwest of Khorasan) on that particular day led to the recording of that incident.

شانزده سال در روستاى پرت افتاده ى برزولان، معلم بود. همه ى جوانى اش را با بچه هاى قدو نيم قد روستا گذرانده بود حالا خبر دادند مادرش در شهر، بيمار و تنها شده، او بايد يا اين يكى مادر يعنى برزولان را با بچه هايش تنها بگذارد يا مادرخودش را. اين اتفاق سخت در يك روز رخ مى دهد. و ورود تصادفى من در آن روز بخصوص به اين روستا( شمال غربى خراسان)، به ثبت آن واقعه منجر شد.