khalil / خلیل

2023 / 1402

"Khalil" Official Poster

Name: Khalil. His profession: shepherd. Another skill of his, playing the “LaleVa” instrument. He isn't, by today's standards, considered an artist, as both of these professions are inseparable. Playing the “LaleVa is intertwined with shepherding. As a child, he learned the ways of shepherding from his father, who was a shepherd, and he mastered the intricacies of playing the “LaleVa on his own. He crafted the tools for this craft himself. The livestock, whether his own or others', were his responsibility. He had a wife, but she passed away long ago due to illness. He isn't sure how old he is—whether he's ninety or seventy-something! He has no connection to the town. Though he's compelled to stay in the city due to illness, even in sickness, he doesn't stop playing the “LaleVa, even if his breath, due to severe lung disease, doesn't support it like before. Coughs and occasional pains have become his refuge. For the past year or two, he's always yearning for his cattle and herds. He, who tended to livestock all his life, now receives care from his kind sister, resorting to the medications and treatments of the city doctor, albeit not as fondly as to the "Tah-Tune" for healing eye wounds. The "Tah-Tune" he crafted and adorned himself, in the most remarkable manner, with simple tools. Perhaps the "Tah-Tune" will bring his breath back to playing the “LaleVa.

نامش :خليل ،پيشه اش: چوپانى و گالشى. پيشه ى ديگرش، زدن لَلِه وا. او به معنى امروز ى كلمه، هنرمند نيست زيراكه اين هردو پيشه، جداى از هم نيستند. زدن لَلِه وا، متصل به چوپانى و گالشى ست. بچه كه بود چوپانى را از پدرش كه چو پان بود و گالش، ياد گرفتنى ها و لَلِه واها را خودش درست مى كرد و خودش هم، تزيين. ابزارهاى ساختن اين ها هم، كار خودش بود. گاوها و گوسفندها، يا مال خود و كس و كارش بوده و يا مال ديگران. همسر داشته ولى خيلى پيش، از بيمارى مرده. نمى داند چندسال دارد خودش را نود ساله و يا هفتاد و چندساله مى داند! با شهر ميانه اى ندارد. اگرچه مجبور است به خاطر بيمارى در شهر بماند در بيمارى هم، لب از لَلِه وا، بر نمى دارد حتا اگر مثل قبل، نفس اش به علت بيمارى حادِ ريه، زدن لَلِه وا را يارى نكند. سرفه ها و درد هاى گهگاهى، امان اش را بريده. اين يكى دوسال، هميشه دلتنگ گاو و گله است. او كه همه ى عمرش، گاو و گله را تيمار مى كرد حالا خواهر مهربان اش، تيمارش مى كند به دوا و درمان دكتر شهر، آن قدرها، دلبسته نيست كه به " تهتونه"ى رفع چشم زخم. تهتونه اى كه خودش ساخته و تزيين اش كرده، به عجيب ترين شكلى با ابزار هاى ساده. شايد كه "تهتونه"، نفس اش را به لَلِه وا، برگرداند.